Sunday, September 2, 2007

"Hatshepsut Was Here"

... despite frantic efforts to "chisel away" her place from historically-accurate written record ...... & attempts to defile her true image....

Centuries later, she was found in a relatively modest tomb, wrapped in royal linen; a pleasant-yet-determined countenance, a clenched hand where a scepter had once been.

She had died from natural causes, in the end; having bowed out gracefully; allowing others to misunderstand & judge mercilessly, not having enough information. She let them think whatever they would.

There was no gold; no other distinguishing accoutrements of royalty; thieves robbed her of any remaining traces of her previous status, desecrating her remains.

All previous propaganda had finally been disproven; her actions better understood with more information.

She was remarkably well-preserved, of course,;) completely restored, & finally resumed her rightful place in history.

The End.